This object represents a single space permission. Permissions consist of* at least one operation object with an accompanying subjects object.

The following combinations of operation.key and values are valid for the operation object:

'create': 'page', 'blogpost', 'comment', 'attachment'
'read': 'space'
'delete': 'page', 'blogpost', 'comment', 'attachment'
'export': 'space'
'administer': 'space'
interface SpacePermissionV2 {
    _links?: GenericLinks;
    id?: number;
    operation: {
        key: string;
        target: string;
    subject: PermissionSubject;

Hierarchy (view full)


_links?: GenericLinks
id?: number
operation: {
    key: string;
    target: string;

Type declaration

  • key: string
  • target: string

    The space or content type that the operation applies to.

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