interface CreateRelationship {
    relationName: string;
    sourceKey: string;
    sourceStatus?: string;
    sourceType: string;
    sourceVersion?: number;
    targetKey: string;
    targetStatus?: string;
    targetType: string;
    targetVersion?: number;


relationName: string

The name of the relationship. This method supports the 'favourite' (i.e. 'save for later') relationship. You can also specify any other value for this parameter to create a custom relationship type.

sourceKey: string
  • The identifier for the source entity:

    • If sourceType is 'user', then specify either 'current' (logged-in user) or the user key.
    • If sourceType is 'content', then specify the content ID.
    • If sourceType is 'space', then specify the space key.
sourceStatus?: string

The status of the source. This parameter is only used when the sourceType is 'content'.

sourceType: string

The source entity type of the relationship. This must be 'user', if the relationName is 'favourite'.

sourceVersion?: number

The version of the source. This parameter is only used when the sourceType is 'content' and the sourceStatus is 'historical'.

targetKey: string
  • The identifier for the target entity:

    • If sourceType is 'user', then specify either 'current' (logged-in user) or the user key.
    • If sourceType is 'content', then specify the content ID.
    • If sourceType is 'space', then specify the space key.
targetStatus?: string

The status of the target. This parameter is only used when the targetType is 'content'.

targetType: string

The target entity type of the relationship. This must be 'space' or 'content', if the relationName is 'favourite'.

targetVersion?: number

The version of the target. This parameter is only used when the targetType is 'content' and the targetStatus is 'historical'.

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