interface Search {
    cql: string;
    cqlcontext?: string;
    cursor?: string;
    includeArchivedSpaces?: boolean;
    limit?: number;
    start?: number;


cql: string

The CQL query to be used for the search. See Advanced Searching using CQL for instructions on how to build a CQL query.


Example queries:

cql=type=user // will return all users
cql=user="1234" // will return user with accountId “1234”

// You can also use IN, NOT IN, != operators

cql=user IN ("12", "34") // will return users with accountids “12” and “34”
cql=user.fullname~jo // will return users with nickname/full name starting with “jo”
cql=user.accountid="123" // will return user with accountId “123”
cqlcontext?: string

The space, content, and content status to execute the search against.

  • SpaceKey Key of the space to search against. Optional.
  • ContentId ID of the content to search against. Optional. Must be in the space specified by spaceKey.
  • ContentStatuses Content statuses to search against. Optional. Specify these values in an object.


'cqlcontext={%22spaceKey%22:%22TEST%22, %22contentId%22:%22123%22}';
cursor?: string

Pointer to a set of search results, returned as part of the next or prev URL from the previous search call.

includeArchivedSpaces?: boolean

Include content from archived spaces in the results.


limit?: number

The maximum number of content objects to return per page. Note, this may be restricted by fixed system limits.





start?: number

The starting index of the returned users.

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