interface AuditRecord {
    affectedObject: ServerModels.AffectedObject;
    associatedObjects: ServerModels.AffectedObject[];
    author: {
        displayName: string;
        operations: {};
        type: string;
        userKey: string;
        username: string;
    category: string;
    changedValues: ServerModels.ChangedValue[];
    creationDate: number;
    description: string;
    remoteAddress: string;
    summary: string;
    sysAdmin: boolean;


associatedObjects: ServerModels.AffectedObject[]
author: {
    displayName: string;
    operations: {};
    type: string;
    userKey: string;
    username: string;

Type declaration

  • displayName: string
  • operations: {}
    • type: string
    • userKey: string
    • username: string
    category: string
    changedValues: ServerModels.ChangedValue[]
    creationDate: number

    The creation date-time of the audit record, as a timestamp.

    description: string
    remoteAddress: string
    summary: string
    sysAdmin: boolean

    Generated using TypeDoc v0.25.12