Data related to a specific incident in a specific container that the incident is present in. Must specify at least one association to a component.*

interface GetIncidentById {
    affectedComponents: string[];
    associations?: {
        associationType?: string;
        values?: string[];
    createdDate: string;
    description: string;
    id: string;
    lastUpdated: string;
    schemaVersion: string;
    severity?: {
        level: string;
    status: string;
    summary: string;
    updateSequenceNumber: number;
    url: string;


affectedComponents: string[]

The IDs of the Components impacted by this Incident. Must be unique for a given Provider.

associations?: {
    associationType?: string;
    values?: string[];

The IDs of the Jira issues related to this Incident. Must be unique for a given Provider.

Type declaration

  • Optional associationType?: string

    The type of the association being made

  • Optional values?: string[]
createdDate: string

The timestamp to present to the user that shows when the Incident was raised.

Expected format is an RFC3339 formatted string.

description: string

A description of the issue in Markdown format. Will be shown in the UI and used when creating Jira Issues.

id: string

The identifier for the Incident. Must be unique for a given Provider.

lastUpdated: string

The last-updated timestamp to present to the user the last time the Incident was updated.

Expected format is an RFC3339 formatted string.

schemaVersion: string

The IncidentData schema version used for this incident data.

Placeholder to support potential schema changes in the future.

severity?: {
    level: string;

Severity information for a single Incident.

This is the severity information that will be presented to the user on e.g. the Jira Incidents screen.

Type declaration

  • level: string

    The severity level of the Incident with P1 being the highest and P5 being the lowest

status: string

The current status of the Incident.

summary: string

The human-readable summary for the Incident. Will be shown in the UI.

If not provided, will use the ID for display.

updateSequenceNumber: number

An ID used to apply an ordering to updates for this Incident in the case of out-of-order receipt of update requests.

This can be any monotonically increasing number. A suggested implementation is to use epoch millis from the Provider system, but other alternatives are valid (e.g. a Provider could store a counter against each Incident and increment that on each update to Jira).

Updates for a Incident that are received with an updateSqeuenceId lower than what is currently stored will be ignored.

url: string

A URL users can use to link to a summary view of this incident, if appropriate.

This could be any location that makes sense in the Provider system (e.g. if the summary information comes from a specific project, it might make sense to link the user to the incident in that project).