Data related to a specific vulnerability in a specific workspace that the vulnerability is present in. Must specify at least one association.*

interface GetVulnerabilityById {
    addAssociations?: {}[];
    additionalInfo?: {
        content: string;
        url?: string;
    associationsLastUpdated?: string;
    associationsUpdateSequenceNumber?: number;
    containerId: string;
    description: string;
    displayName: string;
    id: string;
    identifiers?: {
        displayName: string;
        url: string;
    introducedDate: string;
    lastUpdated: string;
    removeAssociations?: {}[];
    schemaVersion: string;
    severity: {
        level: string;
    status: string;
    type: string;
    updateSequenceNumber: number;
    url: string;


addAssociations?: {}[]

The associations (e.g. Jira issue) to add in addition to the currently stored associations of the Security Vulnerability.

Type declaration

    additionalInfo?: {
        content: string;
        url?: string;

    Extra information (optional). This data will be shown in the security feature under the vulnerability displayName.

    Type declaration

    • content: string

      The content of the additionalInfo.

    • Optional url?: string

      Optional URL linking to the information

    associationsLastUpdated?: string

    An ISO-8601 Date-time string representing the last time the provider updated associations on this entity.

    Expected format is an RFC3339 formatted string.

    associationsUpdateSequenceNumber?: number

    A sequence number to compare when writing entity associations to the database.

    This can be any monotonically increasing number. A highly recommended implementation is to use epoch millis.

    This is an optional field. If it is not provided it will default to being equal to the corresponding entity's updateSequenceNumber.

    Associations are written following a LastWriteWins strategy, association that are received with an associationsUpdateSequenceNumber lower than what is currently stored will be ignored.

    containerId: string

    The identifier of the Container where this Vulnerability was found. Must be unique for a given Provider. This must follow this regex pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9\\-_.~@:{}=]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_.~@:{}=]+)*

    description: string

    A description of the issue in markdown format that will be shown in the UI and used when creating Jira Issues. HTML tags are not supported in the markdown format. For creating a new line \n can be used. Read more about the accepted markdown transformations here.

    displayName: string

    The human-readable name for the Vulnerability. Will be shown in the UI.

    If not provided, will use the ID for display.

    id: string

    The identifier for the Vulnerability. Must be unique for a given Provider.

    identifiers?: {
        displayName: string;
        url: string;

    The identifying information for the Vulnerability.

    Type declaration

    • displayName: string

      The display name of the Vulnerability identified.

    • url: string

      A URL users can use to link to the definition of the Vulnerability identified.

    introducedDate: string

    The timestamp to present to the user that shows when the Vulnerability was introduced.

    Expected format is an RFC3339 formatted string.

    lastUpdated: string

    The last-updated timestamp to present to the user the last time the Vulnerability was updated.

    Expected format is an RFC3339 formatted string.

    removeAssociations?: {}[]

    The associations (e.g. Jira issue) to remove from currently stored associations of the Security Vulnerability.

    Type declaration

      schemaVersion: string

      The VulnerabilityData schema version used for this vulnerability data.

      Placeholder to support potential schema changes in the future.

      severity: {
          level: string;

      Severity information for a single Vulnerability.

      This is the severity information that will be presented to the user on e.g. the Jira Security screen.

      Type declaration

      • level: string

        The severity level of the Vulnerability.

      status: string

      The current status of the Vulnerability.

      type: string

      The type of Vulnerability detected.

      updateSequenceNumber: number

      An ID used to apply an ordering to updates for this Vulnerability in the case of out-of-order receipt of update requests.

      This can be any monotonically increasing number. A suggested implementation is to use epoch millis from the Provider system, but other alternatives are valid (e.g. a Provider could store a counter against each Vulnerability and increment that on each update to Jira).

      Updates for a Vulnerability that are received with an updateSequenceId lower than what is currently stored will be ignored.

      url: string

      A URL users can use to link to a summary view of this vulnerability, if appropriate.

      This could be any location that makes sense in the Provider system (e.g. if the summary information comes from a specific project, it might make sense to link the user to the vulnerability in that project).