The result of a successful submitIncidents request.*

interface SubmitEntity {
    acceptedIncidents?: string[];
    failedIncidents?: {};
    unknownProjectKeys?: string[];


acceptedIncidents?: string[]

The IDs of Incidents that have been accepted for submission.

A Incident may be rejected if it was only associated with unknown project keys.

Note that a Incident that isn't updated due to it's updateSequenceNumber being out of order is not considered a failed submission.

failedIncidents?: {}

Details of Incidents that have not been accepted for submission, usually due to a problem with the request data.

The object (if present) will be keyed by Incident ID and include any errors associated with that Incident that have prevented it being submitted.

Type declaration

    unknownProjectKeys?: string[]

    Project keys that are not known on this Jira instance (if any).

    These may be invalid keys (e.g. UTF is sometimes incorrectly identified as a Jira project key), or they may be for projects that no longer exist.

    If a Incident has been associated with project keys other than those in this array it will still be stored against those valid keys. If a Incident was only associated with project keys deemed to be invalid it won't be persisted.