The details of a workflow transition rules.


The workflow post functions.

Note:* The default post functions are always added to the initial transition, as in:

    "postFunctions": [
"type": "IssueCreateFunction"
"type": "IssueReindexFunction"
"type": "FireIssueEventFunction",
"configuration": {
"event": {
"id": "1",
"name": "issue_created"

Note:* The default post functions are always added to the global and directed transitions, as in:

    "postFunctions": [
"type": "UpdateIssueStatusFunction"
"type": "CreateCommentFunction"
"type": "GenerateChangeHistoryFunction"
"type": "IssueReindexFunction"
"type": "FireIssueEventFunction",
"configuration": {
"event": {
"id": "13",
"name": "issue_generic"

The workflow validators.

Note:* The default permission validator is always added to the initial transition, as in:

    "validators": [
"type": "PermissionValidator",
"configuration": {
"permissionKey": "CREATE_ISSUES"