Details of the settings for a dashboard gadget.

interface DashboardGadgetSettings {
    color?: string;
    ignoreUriAndModuleKeyValidation?: boolean;
    moduleKey?: string;
    position?: Version2.Version2Models.DashboardGadgetPosition;
    title?: string;
    uri?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


color?: string

The color of the gadget. Should be one of blue, red, yellow, green, cyan, purple, gray, or white.

ignoreUriAndModuleKeyValidation?: boolean

Whether to ignore the validation of module key and URI. For example, when a gadget is created that is a part of an application that isn't installed.

moduleKey?: string

The module key of the gadget type. Can't be provided with uri.

title?: string

The title of the gadget.

uri?: string

The URI of the gadget type. Can't be provided with moduleKey.