The JQL specifying the issues available in the evaluated Jira expression under the issues context variable. Not all issues returned by the JQL query are loaded, only those described by the startAt and maxResults properties. To determine whether it is necessary to iterate to ensure all the issues returned by the JQL query are evaluated, inspect meta.issues.jql.count in the response.

interface JexpJqlIssues {
    maxResults?: number;
    query?: string;
    startAt?: number;
    validation?: string;


maxResults?: number

The maximum number of issues to return from the JQL query. Inspect meta.issues.jql.maxResults in the response to ensure the maximum value has not been exceeded.

query?: string

The JQL query.

startAt?: number

The index of the first issue to return from the JQL query.

validation?: string

Determines how to validate the JQL query and treat the validation results.