interface ProjectRoleActorsUpdate {
    categorisedActors?: {};
    id?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


categorisedActors?: {}

The actors to add to the project role.

Add groups using:

atlassian-group-role-actor and a list of group names. atlassian-group-role-actor-id and a list of group IDs.

As a group's name can change, use of atlassian-group-role-actor-id is recommended. For example, "atlassian-group-role-actor-id":["eef79f81-0b89-4fca-a736-4be531a10869","77f6ab39-e755-4570-a6ae-2d7a8df0bcb8"].

Add users using atlassian-user-role-actor and a list of account IDs. For example, "atlassian-user-role-actor":["12345678-9abc-def1-2345-6789abcdef12", "abcdef12-3456-789a-bcde-f123456789ab"].

Type declaration

    id?: number

    The ID of the project role. Use Get all project roles to get a list of project role IDs.