Details about a filter.

interface CreateFilter {
    description?: string;
    editPermissions?: Version2.Version2Models.SharePermission[];
    expand?: string;
    favourite?: boolean;
    favouritedCount?: number;
    id?: string;
    jql?: string;
    name: string;
    overrideSharePermissions?: boolean;
    owner?: Version2.Version2Models.User;
    searchUrl?: string;
    self?: string;
    sharePermissions?: Version2.Version2Models.SharePermission[];
    sharedUsers?: Version2.Version2Models.UserList;
    subscriptions?: Version2.Version2Models.FilterSubscriptionsList;
    viewUrl?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


description?: string

A description of the filter.

The groups and projects that can edit the filter.

expand?: string

Use expand to include additional information about filter in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

sharedUsers Returns the users that the filter is shared with. This includes users that can browse projects that the filter is shared with. If you don't specify sharedUsers, then the sharedUsers object is returned but it doesn't list any users. The list of users returned is limited to 1000, to access additional users append [start-index:end-index] to the expand request. For example, to access the next 1000 users, use ?expand=sharedUsers[1001:2000]. subscriptions Returns the users that are subscribed to the filter. If you don't specify subscriptions, the subscriptions object is returned but it doesn't list any subscriptions. The list of subscriptions returned is limited to 1000, to access additional subscriptions append [start-index:end-index] to the expand request. For example, to access the next 1000 subscriptions, use ?expand=subscriptions[1001:2000].

favourite?: boolean

Whether the filter is selected as a favorite.

favouritedCount?: number

The count of how many users have selected this filter as a favorite, including the filter owner.

id?: string

The unique identifier for the filter.

jql?: string

The JQL query for the filter. For example, project = SSP AND issuetype = Bug.

name: string

The name of the filter. Must be unique.

overrideSharePermissions?: boolean

EXPERIMENTAL: Whether share permissions are overridden to enable filters with any share permissions to be created. Available to users with Administer Jira global permission.

searchUrl?: string

A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the Search for issues using JQL operation with the filter's JQL string to return the filter results. For example,

self?: string

The URL of the filter.

The groups and projects that the filter is shared with.

viewUrl?: string

A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the ID of the filter. For example,