interface DeleteWorklog {
    adjustEstimate?: string;
    id: string;
    increaseBy?: string;
    issueIdOrKey: string;
    newEstimate?: string;
    notifyUsers?: boolean;
    overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;


adjustEstimate?: string

Defines how to update the issue's time estimate, the options are:

  • new Sets the estimate to a specific value, defined in newEstimate.
  • leave Leaves the estimate unchanged.
  • manual Increases the estimate by amount specified in increaseBy.
  • auto Reduces the estimate by the value of timeSpent in the worklog.
id: string

The ID of the worklog.

increaseBy?: string

The amount to increase the issue's remaining estimate by, as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). For example, 2d. Required when adjustEstimate is manual.

issueIdOrKey: string

The ID or key of the issue.

newEstimate?: string

The value to set as the issue's remaining time estimate, as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). For example, 2d. Required when adjustEstimate is new.

notifyUsers?: boolean

Whether users watching the issue are notified by email.

overrideEditableFlag?: boolean

Whether the work log entry should be added to the issue even if the issue is not editable, because jira.issue.editable set to false or missing. For example, the issue is closed. Connect and Forge app users with admin permission can use this flag.