Details of an issue update request.

interface EditIssue {
    expand?: string;
    fields?: any;
    historyMetadata?: Version2.Version2Models.HistoryMetadata;
    issueIdOrKey: string;
    notifyUsers?: boolean;
    overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
    overrideScreenSecurity?: boolean;
    properties?: Version2.Version2Models.EntityProperty[];
    returnIssue?: boolean;
    transition?: Version2.Version2Models.IssueTransition;
    update?: {};

Hierarchy (view full)


expand?: string

The Get issue API expand parameter to use in the response if the returnIssue parameter is true.

fields?: any

List of issue screen fields to update, specifying the sub-field to update and its value for each field. This field provides a straightforward option when setting a sub-field. When multiple sub-fields or other operations are required, use update. Fields included in here cannot be included in update.

issueIdOrKey: string

The ID or key of the issue.

notifyUsers?: boolean

Whether a notification email about the issue update is sent to all watchers. To disable the notification, administer Jira or administer project permissions are required. If the user doesn't have the necessary permission the request is ignored.

overrideEditableFlag?: boolean

Whether screen security is overridden to enable uneditable fields to be edited. Available to Connect app users with Administer Jira global permission and Forge apps acting on behalf of users with Administer Jira global permission.

overrideScreenSecurity?: boolean

Whether screen security is overridden to enable hidden fields to be edited. Available to Connect app users with Administer Jira global permission and Forge apps acting on behalf of users with Administer Jira global permission.

Details of issue properties to be added or update.

returnIssue?: boolean

Whether the response should contain the issue with fields edited in this request. The returned issue will have the same format as in the Get issue API.

update?: {}

A Map containing the field name and a list of operations to perform on the issue screen field. Note that fields included in here cannot be included in fields.

Type declaration