interface GetDashboardsPaginated {
    accountId?: string;
    dashboardName?: string;
    expand?: string | string[] | ("description" | "editPermissions" | "sharePermissions" | "favourite" | "owner" | "viewUrl" | "favouritedCount" | "isWritable")[];
    groupId?: string;
    groupname?: string;
    maxResults?: number;
    orderBy?: string;
    projectId?: number;
    startAt?: number;
    status?: string;


accountId?: string

User account ID used to return dashboards with the matching owner.accountId. This parameter cannot be used with the owner parameter.

dashboardName?: string

String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with name.

expand?: string | string[] | ("description" | "editPermissions" | "sharePermissions" | "favourite" | "owner" | "viewUrl" | "favouritedCount" | "isWritable")[]

Use expand to include additional information about dashboard in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • description Returns the description of the dashboard.
  • owner Returns the owner of the dashboard.
  • viewUrl Returns the URL that is used to view the dashboard.
  • favourite Returns isFavourite, an indicator of whether the user has set the dashboard as a favorite.
  • favouritedCount Returns popularity, a count of how many users have set this dashboard as a favorite.
  • sharePermissions Returns details of the share permissions defined for the dashboard.
  • editPermissions Returns details of the edit permissions defined for the dashboard.
  • isWritable Returns whether the current user has permission to edit the dashboard.
groupId?: string

Group ID used to return dashboards that are shared with a group that matches This parameter cannot be used with the groupname parameter.

groupname?: string

As a group's name can change, use of groupId is recommended. Group name used to return dashboards that are shared with a group that matches This parameter cannot be used with the groupId parameter.

maxResults?: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

orderBy?: string

Order the results by a field:

  • description Sorts by dashboard description. Note that this sort works independently of whether the expand to display the description field is in use.
  • favourite_count Sorts by dashboard popularity.
  • id Sorts by dashboard ID.
  • is_favourite Sorts by whether the dashboard is marked as a favorite.
  • name Sorts by dashboard name.
  • owner Sorts by dashboard owner name.
projectId?: number

Project ID used to returns dashboards that are shared with a project that matches

startAt?: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).

status?: string

The status to filter by. It may be active, archived or deleted.