interface GetNotificationSchemeForProject {
    expand?: string | string[] | ("all" | "user" | "group" | "field" | "projectRole" | "notificationSchemeEvents")[];
    projectKeyOrId: string;


expand?: string | string[] | ("all" | "user" | "group" | "field" | "projectRole" | "notificationSchemeEvents")[]

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • all Returns all expandable information
  • field Returns information about any custom fields assigned to receive an event
  • group Returns information about any groups assigned to receive an event
  • notificationSchemeEvents Returns a list of event associations. This list is returned for all expandable information
  • projectRole Returns information about any project roles assigned to receive an event
  • user Returns information about any users assigned to receive an event
projectKeyOrId: string

The project ID or project key (case sensitive).