interface GetProjectVersionsPaginated {
    expand?: string | string[] | ("operations" | "issuesstatus" | "driver" | "approvers")[];
    maxResults?: number;
    orderBy?: string;
    projectIdOrKey: string;
    query?: string;
    startAt?: number;
    status?: string;


expand?: string | string[] | ("operations" | "issuesstatus" | "driver" | "approvers")[]

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • issuesstatus Returns the number of issues in each status category for each version.
  • operations Returns actions that can be performed on the specified version.
  • driver Returns the Atlassian account ID of the version driver.
  • approvers Returns a list containing the approvers for this version.
maxResults?: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

orderBy?: string

Order the results by a field:

  • description Sorts by version description.
  • name Sorts by version name.
  • releaseDate Sorts by release date, starting with the oldest date. Versions with no release date are listed last.
  • sequence Sorts by the order of appearance in the user interface.
  • startDate Sorts by start date, starting with the oldest date. Versions with no start date are listed last.
projectIdOrKey: string

The project ID or project key (case sensitive).

query?: string

Filter the results using a literal string. Versions with matching name or description are returned (case insensitive).

startAt?: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).

status?: string

A list of status values used to filter the results by version status. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. The status values are released, unreleased, and archived.