interface SearchProjects {
    action?: string;
    categoryId?: number;
    expand?: string | string[] | ("url" | "description" | "issueTypes" | "lead" | "projectKeys" | "insight")[];
    id?: number[];
    keys?: string[];
    maxResults?: number;
    orderBy?: string;
    properties?: string[];
    propertyQuery?: string;
    query?: string;
    startAt?: number;
    status?: string[];
    typeKey?: string;


action?: string

Filter results by projects for which the user can:

view the project, meaning that they have one of the following permissions:

Browse projects project permission for the project. Administer projects project permission for the project. Administer Jira global permission. browse the project, meaning that they have the Browse projects project permission for the project. edit the project, meaning that they have one of the following permissions:

Administer projects project permission for the project. Administer Jira global permission. create the project, meaning that they have the Create issues project permission for the project in which the issue is created.

categoryId?: number

The ID of the project's category. A complete list of category IDs is found using the Get all project categories operation.

expand?: string | string[] | ("url" | "description" | "issueTypes" | "lead" | "projectKeys" | "insight")[]

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expanded options include:

  • description Returns the project description.
  • projectKeys Returns all project keys associated with a project.
  • lead Returns information about the project lead.
  • issueTypes Returns all issue types associated with the project.
  • url Returns the URL associated with the project.
  • insight EXPERIMENTAL. Returns the insight details of total issue count and last issue update time for the project.
id?: number[]

The project IDs to filter the results by. To include multiple IDs, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, id=10000&id=10001. Up to 50 project IDs can be provided.

keys?: string[]

The project keys to filter the results by. To include multiple keys, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, keys=PA&keys=PB. Up to 50 project keys can be provided.

maxResults?: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

orderBy?: string

Order the results by a field.

  • category Sorts by project category. A complete list of category IDs is found using Get all project categories.
  • issueCount Sorts by the total number of issues in each project.
  • key Sorts by project key.
  • lastIssueUpdatedTime Sorts by the last issue update time.
  • name Sorts by project name.
  • owner Sorts by project lead.
  • archivedDate EXPERIMENTAL. Sorts by project archived date.
  • deletedDate EXPERIMENTAL. Sorts by project deleted date.
properties?: string[]

EXPERIMENTAL. A list of project properties to return for the project. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list.

propertyQuery?: string

EXPERIMENTAL. A query string used to search properties. The query string cannot be specified using a JSON object. For example, to search for the value of nested from {"something":{"nested":1,"other":2}} use [thepropertykey].something.nested=1. Note that the propertyQuery key is enclosed in square brackets to enable searching where the propertyQuery key includes dot (.) or equals (=) characters. Note that thepropertykey is only returned when included in properties.

query?: string

Filter the results using a literal string. Projects with a matching key or name are returned (case insensitive).

startAt?: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).

status?: string[]

EXPERIMENTAL. Filter results by project status:

  • live Search live projects.
  • archived Search archived projects.
  • deleted Search deleted projects, those in the recycle bin.
typeKey?: string

Orders results by the project type. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Valid values are business, service_desk, and software.