Details of a custom field.

interface UpdateCustomField {
    description?: string;
    fieldId: string;
    name?: string;
    searcherKey?: string;

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description?: string

The description of the custom field. The maximum length is 40000 characters.

fieldId: string

The ID of the custom field.

name?: string

The name of the custom field. It doesn't have to be unique. The maximum length is 255 characters.

searcherKey?: string

The searcher that defines the way the field is searched in Jira. It can be set to null, otherwise you must specify the valid searcher for the field type, as listed below (abbreviated values shown):

cascadingselect: cascadingselectsearcher datepicker: daterange datetime: datetimerange float: exactnumber or numberrange grouppicker: grouppickersearcher importid: exactnumber or numberrange labels: labelsearcher multicheckboxes: multiselectsearcher multigrouppicker: multiselectsearcher multiselect: multiselectsearcher multiuserpicker: userpickergroupsearcher multiversion: versionsearcher project: projectsearcher radiobuttons: multiselectsearcher readonlyfield: textsearcher select: multiselectsearcher textarea: textsearcher textfield: textsearcher url: exacttextsearcher userpicker: userpickergroupsearcher version: versionsearcher