Details about the mapping between issue types and a workflow.

interface UpdateDraftWorkflowMapping {
    defaultMapping?: boolean;
    id: number;
    issueTypes?: string[];
    updateDraftIfNeeded?: boolean;
    workflow?: string;
    workflowName: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


defaultMapping?: boolean

Whether the workflow is the default workflow for the workflow scheme.

id: number

The ID of the workflow scheme that the draft belongs to.

issueTypes?: string[]

The list of issue type IDs.

updateDraftIfNeeded?: boolean

Whether a draft workflow scheme is created or updated when updating an active workflow scheme. The draft is updated with the new workflow-issue types mapping. Defaults to false.

workflow?: string

The name of the workflow. Optional if updating the workflow-issue types mapping.

workflowName: string

The name of the workflow.