Details of a worklog.

interface UpdateWorklog {
    adjustEstimate?: string;
    author?: Version2.Version2Models.UserDetails;
    comment?: string;
    created?: string;
    expand?: string;
    id: string;
    issueId?: string;
    issueIdOrKey: string;
    newEstimate?: string;
    notifyUsers?: boolean;
    overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
    properties?: Version2.Version2Models.EntityProperty[];
    self?: string;
    started?: string;
    timeSpent?: string;
    timeSpentSeconds?: number;
    updateAuthor?: Version2.Version2Models.UserDetails;
    updated?: string;
    visibility?: Version2.Version2Models.Visibility;

Hierarchy (view full)


adjustEstimate?: string

Defines how to update the issue's time estimate, the options are:

  • new Sets the estimate to a specific value, defined in newEstimate.
  • leave Leaves the estimate unchanged.
  • auto Updates the estimate by the difference between the original and updated value of timeSpent or timeSpentSeconds.
comment?: string

A comment about the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

created?: string

The datetime on which the worklog was created.

expand?: string

Use expand to include additional information about worklogs in the response. This parameter accepts properties, which returns worklog properties.

id: string

The ID of the worklog.

issueId?: string

The ID of the issue this worklog is for.

issueIdOrKey: string

The ID or key the issue.

newEstimate?: string

The value to set as the issue's remaining time estimate, as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). For example, 2d. Required when adjustEstimate is new.

notifyUsers?: boolean

Whether users watching the issue are notified by email.

overrideEditableFlag?: boolean

Whether the worklog should be added to the issue even if the issue is not editable. For example, because the issue is closed. Connect and Forge app users with Administer Jira global permission can use this flag.

Details of properties for the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

self?: string

The URL of the worklog item.

started?: string

The datetime on which the worklog effort was started. Required when creating a worklog. Optional when updating a worklog.

timeSpent?: string

The time spent working on the issue as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). Required when creating a worklog if timeSpentSeconds isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpentSecond is provided.

timeSpentSeconds?: number

The time in seconds spent working on the issue. Required when creating a worklog if timeSpent isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpent is provided.

updated?: string

The datetime on which the worklog was last updated.