Details of a field.

interface Field {
    contextsCount?: number;
    description?: string;
    id: string;
    isLocked?: boolean;
    isUnscreenable?: boolean;
    key?: string;
    lastUsed?: Version3.Version3Models.FieldLastUsed;
    name: string;
    schema: Version3.Version3Models.JsonType;
    screensCount?: number;
    searcherKey?: string;


contextsCount?: number

Number of contexts where the field is used.

description?: string

The description of the field.

id: string

The ID of the field.

isLocked?: boolean

Whether the field is locked.

isUnscreenable?: boolean

Whether the field is shown on screen or not.

key?: string

The key of the field.

name: string

The name of the field.

screensCount?: number

Number of screens where the field is used.

searcherKey?: string

The searcher key of the field. Returned for custom fields.