Details of a field that can be used in advanced searches.

interface FieldReferenceData {
    auto?: string;
    cfid?: string;
    deprecated?: string;
    deprecatedSearcherKey?: string;
    displayName?: string;
    operators?: string[];
    orderable?: string;
    searchable?: string;
    types?: string[];
    value?: string;


auto?: string

Whether the field provide auto-complete suggestions.

cfid?: string

If the item is a custom field, the ID of the custom field.

deprecated?: string

Whether this field has been deprecated.

deprecatedSearcherKey?: string

The searcher key of the field, only passed when the field is deprecated.

displayName?: string

The display name contains the following:

For system fields, the field name. For example, Summary. for collapsed custom fields, the field name followed by a hyphen and then the field name and field type. For example, Component - Component[Dropdown]. for other custom fields, the field name followed by a hyphen and then the custom field ID. For example, Component - cf[10061].

operators?: string[]

The valid search operators for the field.

orderable?: string

Whether the field can be used in a query's ORDER BY clause.

searchable?: string

Whether the content of this field can be searched.

types?: string[]

The data types of items in the field.

value?: string

The field identifier.