Key fields from the linked issue.

interface Fields {
    aggregatetimespent: null | number;
    assignee: Version3.Version3Models.UserDetails;
    attachment: Version3.Version3Models.Attachment[];
    comment: {
        comments: Version3.Version3Models.Comment[];
        maxResults: number;
        self: string;
        startAt: number;
        total: number;
    components: Version3.Version3Models.ProjectComponent[];
    created: string;
    creator: Version3.Version3Models.User;
    description?: Document;
    duedate: null | string;
    environment: null | Version3.Version3Models.RichText;
    fixVersions: Version3.Version3Models.FixVersion[];
    issueType?: Version3.Version3Models.IssueTypeDetails;
    issuelinks: Version3.Version3Models.IssueLink[];
    issuerestriction?: {
        issuerestrictions: any;
        shouldDisplay: boolean;
    issuetype?: Version3.Version3Models.IssueTypeDetails;
    labels: string[];
    lastViewed: null | string;
    parent?: Version3.Version3Models.Issue;
    priority: Version3.Version3Models.Priority;
    reporter: Version3.Version3Models.User;
    resolution: null | Version3.Version3Models.Resolution;
    resolutiondate: null | string;
    status: Version3.Version3Models.StatusDetails;
    subtasks: Version3.Version3Models.Issue[];
    summary: string;
    timeoriginalestimate?: any;
    timespent: null | number;
    timetracking: Version3.Version3Models.TimeTrackingDetails;
    updated: string;
    votes: Version3.Version3Models.Votes & {
        voters: never;
    watches: Version3.Version3Models.Watchers;
    worklog: {
        maxResults: number;
        startAt: number;
        total: number;
        worklogs: Version3.Version3Models.Worklog[];
    workratio: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


aggregatetimespent: null | number

The estimate of how much longer working on the issue will take, in seconds.

The assignee of the linked issue.

comment: {
    comments: Version3.Version3Models.Comment[];
    maxResults: number;
    self: string;
    startAt: number;
    total: number;

Type declaration

created: string
description?: Document
duedate: null | string

The time the issue is due.

environment: null | Version3.Version3Models.RichText

The list of versions where the issue was fixed.

The type of the linked issue.

issuerestriction?: {
    issuerestrictions: any;
    shouldDisplay: boolean;

Type declaration

  • issuerestrictions: any
  • shouldDisplay: boolean

The type of the linked issue.

labels: string[]
lastViewed: null | string

The issue parent.

The priority of the linked issue.

The resolution of the issue.

resolutiondate: null | string

The time the issue was resolved at.

The status of the linked issue.

summary: string

The summary description of the linked issue.

timeoriginalestimate?: any
timespent: null | number

The time that was spent working on the issue, in seconds.

The time tracking of the linked issue.

updated: string
votes: Version3.Version3Models.Votes & {
    voters: never;

Type declaration

  • voters: never
worklog: {
    maxResults: number;
    startAt: number;
    total: number;
    worklogs: Version3.Version3Models.Worklog[];

Type declaration

workratio: number