Details of a filter.

interface FilterDetails {
    description?: string;
    editPermissions?: Version3.Version3Models.SharePermission[];
    expand?: string;
    favourite?: boolean;
    favouritedCount?: number;
    id?: string;
    jql?: string;
    name: string;
    owner?: Version3.Version3Models.User;
    searchUrl?: string;
    self?: string;
    sharePermissions?: Version3.Version3Models.SharePermission[];
    subscriptions?: Version3.Version3Models.FilterSubscription[];
    viewUrl?: string;


description?: string

The description of the filter.

The groups and projects that can edit the filter. This can be specified when updating a filter, but not when creating a filter.

expand?: string

Expand options that include additional filter details in the response.

favourite?: boolean

Whether the filter is selected as a favorite by any users, not including the filter owner.

favouritedCount?: number

The count of how many users have selected this filter as a favorite, including the filter owner.

id?: string

The unique identifier for the filter.

jql?: string

The JQL query for the filter. For example, project = SSP AND issuetype = Bug.

name: string

The name of the filter.

searchUrl?: string

A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the Search for issues using JQL operation with the filter's JQL string to return the filter results. For example,

self?: string

The URL of the filter.

The groups and projects that the filter is shared with. This can be specified when updating a filter, but not when creating a filter.

The users that are subscribed to the filter.

viewUrl?: string

A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the ID of the filter. For example,