Details about a permission granted to a user or group.

interface CreatePermissionGrant {
    expand?: string;
    holder?: Version3.Version3Models.PermissionHolder;
    id?: number;
    permission?: string;
    schemeId: number;
    self?: string;

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expand?: string

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:

permissions Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. user Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. group Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. projectRole Returns information about the project role granted the permission. field Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. all Returns all expandable information.

id?: number

The ID of the permission granted details.

permission?: string

The permission to grant. This permission can be one of the built-in permissions or a custom permission added by an app. See Built-in permissions in Get all permission schemes for more information about the built-in permissions. See the project permission and global permission module documentation for more information about custom permissions.

schemeId: number

The ID of the permission scheme in which to create a new permission grant.

self?: string

The URL of the permission granted details.