interface GetIssueTypeScreenSchemes {
    expand?: string;
    id?: number[];
    maxResults?: number;
    orderBy?: string;
    queryString?: string;
    startAt?: number;


expand?: string

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts projects that, for each issue type screen schemes, returns information about the projects the issue type screen scheme is assigned to.

id?: number[]

The list of issue type screen scheme IDs. To include multiple IDs, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, id=10000&id=10001.

maxResults?: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

orderBy?: string

Order the results by a field:

  • name Sorts by issue type screen scheme name.
  • id Sorts by issue type screen scheme ID.
queryString?: string

String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with issue type screen scheme name.

startAt?: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).