interface GetIssueWorklog {
    expand?: string;
    issueIdOrKey: string;
    maxResults?: number;
    startAt?: number;
    startedAfter?: number;
    startedBefore?: number;


expand?: string

Use expand to include additional information about worklogs in the response. This parameter acceptsproperties, which returns worklog properties.

issueIdOrKey: string

The ID or key of the issue.

maxResults?: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

startAt?: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).

startedAfter?: number

The worklog start date and time, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, after which worklogs are returned.

startedBefore?: number

The worklog start date and time, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, before which worklogs are returned.